GFAD Fertilizer Company Limited

GFAD Fertilizer Company Limited is a Cambodian-based company engaged buying, selling, importing and exporting fertilizers and chemicals. The manufacturing facility of the Company is located in Thailand and China. The Company’s products include fertilizers, Industrial solutions, Distribution network, and Farmer support and education. The fertilizer complex is an integrated production facility, capable of producing two intermediate products: Nitro Phosphate (NP) and Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium (NPK). and supplying the farming machinery and equipment.

Plant & Soil Maintenance. N:P:K

Ingredients; Bagasse, Black rice heck, Molasses, Humus, Ferment brew’s yeast, Hamidoromide, Stone decay in bat cave in jungle, Microbial biomass water • Soil quality and microbial  biomass organisms. Concentrate Organic Fertilizer 25 Kg. Used instead as chemical fertilizer 50Kg. There are main, minor, supplement elements and minerals
• N,P,K,Ca,Mg,S,Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn,Br,Mo  Benefits and special feature. A mixture of organic chemical of the bat feces. Grain mold is homogeneous, Main, minor and supplement elements. Humic acid bacteria resistant to root rot, reduce the incoherent condition. The plants grow strong root system, stem, leaves, flowers are perfect. Low cost and high yield.